Rejuvenation Clay (Formula V) has more than 21 topical and internal uses, serving as a cleansing beauty facial for acne and blackhead treatment, alkalizing agent for improved oral health, remedy for genital infections, scalp strengthening, pain relief, and much more.
Ingredients: Eucalyptus Oil, Green Clay, Peppermint Oil, Purified Water, Red Clover Herb, Red Clover Oil.
Uses: Acne; Aids; Arthritis; Asthma; Back pain; Bedwetting; Boils; Bruise easily; Bruises; Bumps; Burns; Bursitis; Cancer; Chest pain; Chronic pain; Cold and Flu; Cold sores; Cramps; Cysts; Ear ache; Eczema; Endometriosis; Enlarged thyroid; Eye pain; Fibroid; Frequent urination; Gum trouble; Hay fever; Herpes; HIV; Hoarseness; Hot flashes; Hysterectomy prevention and recovery; Irregular menstrual cycle; Impotence; Infertility; Joint pain; Lumps in breasts; Menopausal symptoms; Miscarriage recovery; Neck pain; Neck stiffness; Nosebleeds; Numbness; Painful menstruation; PMS; Pneumonia; Polio; Prenatal; Prostate cancer; Rashes; Sinus infection; Skin erosion; Sore muscles; Sore throat; Spinal curvature; Spitting up blood; STD; Stroke; Swelling of ankles; Tonsillitis; Ulcers; Vaginal discharge; Vaginal itch; Venereal disease; Warts; Womb remedies